FEC (Fecal Egg Count)


At Deacon Farm we understand the significance of maintaining optimal health and productivity in your livestock. That's why we offer comprehensive worm and fecal egg counting (FEC) services tailored to your needs.


Understanding FEC and it’s importance.

FEC or fecal egg counting stands as one of the most valuable tools in worm management for livestock owners. The process involves assessing the number of worm eggs present in a sample of faeces, providing crucial insights into the worm burden within an animal. By quantifying worm eggs per gram of faeces, FEC enables accurate estimation of worm infestations, allowing for timely intervention before visible symptoms manifest and productivity losses occur.


How We Collect Samples

Ensuring accurate FEC results begins with proper sample collection. Equipped with gloves and sample containers our team ensures the collection process is hygienic and efficient. We understand the habits of  animals and strive to obtain fresh, uncontaminated samples. Even if a sample hits the ground, we meticulously collect the highest "pebbles" to minimise contamination by surface contact. Each sample is carefully labeled and stored in the fridge until ready for testing. For more information on how to collect a sample as accurately as possible please do get in touch and we will send you out a collection pack and information sheet.



Convenient Testing Options

For clients within our service area, we offer a convenient sample collection service, eliminating the hassle of sample transportation. Alternatively samples can be dropped off at our farm or sent via courier. We prioritise timely processing and recommend posting samples early in the week to avoid weekend postal service delays.


Egg Reduction Testing

In addition to FEC, we specialise in egg reduction testing to assess the efficacy of drenches used for worm control. By comparing FEC results before and after drenching, we calculate the reduction percentage of eggs, providing valuable feedback on the effectiveness of the treatment.